Company profile
KIWA spol. s r. o. is the most significant manufacturer of overvoltage protection devices in Slovakia, with many years of experience with complex solutions of demanding technological and commercial tasks, i.e. all the way from development, through technological preparation to realization, sale, application consulting and service.
The production program is focused on the overvoltage protection devices of class I, II and III, according to the international standard IEC 61643-1. The above stated protection is used in installation mains of electrical networks in various activity areas. The manufacture program also includes recently developed products, particularly for the market segment of data overvoltage protection devices, which can be utilized in the area of measurement, control, regulation and automation of technological processes and in the area of communication and computer technologies.
Export represents approximately 90% of the total production, of which 70% relates to markets in Western Europe. We received Slovak certificates for our products – overvoltage protection devices for low voltage distribution networks and our foreign partners also an Austrian certificate (recognized in whole western Europe), an American certificate (valid in USA) and a Chinese certificate.
A long-term co-operation in the area of development, production and supply of overvoltage protection devices with renowned foreign (predominantly German) companies.
You can buy our products in Slovakia:
In Czech republic:

In Poland: